xaircraft p30 plant protection uas wins at red dot design awards 2018
xaircraft p30 plant protection uas wins at red dot design awards 2018
2018-04-10 01:00
2018-04-10 01:00
xaircraft p30 plant protection uas wins at red dot design awards 2018

2018 april 9th, essen, germany - the red dot design awards announced its 2018 winners, xaircraft plant protection uas p30 awarded the title ‘red dot’ in product design.

p30 red dot award 2018.jpg

founded in 1955, the red dot design awards has been running for more than 60 years. it is an internationally renowned design competition, known as ‘the oscar’s for industrial designs’. along with the if awards and the idea, red dot is one of the three largest design competitions around the world.

in 2018, designers and manufacturers from 59 countries submitted more than 6,300 objects to the competition. from furniture and seating or household appliances, sports equipment and jewellery to robot technology and drones, a total of 48 categories in this year’s competition. xaircraft p30 is proved to be a product with good design and innovation among a group of professional and international jury, comprising roughly 40 members whom are only convinced by high design quality.

the adjudication of red dot design awards is strict and fair. recognised experts from all over the world ensure the high quality standards of the competition and thus the reputation of the red dot label thanks to their specialist knowledge. criteria such as the level of innovation, functionality, formal quality, ergonomics, durability and ecological compatibility provide a frame of reference when judging, which each juror then complements with his or her expertise and background.

“success in the competition is proof of the good design quality of the products and once again shows that companies are on the right path. when i speak about good design, i am referring to more than just an attractive product. all of the products are characterised by outstanding functionality. this demonstrates that the designers have understood their clients and their needs”, explains professor dr. peter zec, founder and ceo of the red dot award.


xaircraft’s product design concept coheres dr. zec’s opinion. p30 is not a mere improvement of agricultural machinery, it is more of an intelligent device that perfectly combines product functionality and innovative design.

p30’s streamline appearance refers to fastback design of roadsters, which also provides outstanding aerodynamic performance. improvement designs are conducted for parts like antenna and propellers to reduce chances of damage, thus ensures better user experience.

the waterproof design of p30 is unprecedented in the industry. the airframe has been redesigned and crafting has been improved to meet higher standards. waterproofing makes the drone washable easily with jets of water after flight operations. this greatly reduces risk of chemical exposure to the users, and prevents corrosion of the device, therefore further ensures user safety.

xaircraft industrial design team put tremendous effort in creating a well-performed agricultural uav. designers went through a process lasting more than 400 days and nights, spending tens of thousands of hours, numerous study visits to the field. just to understand primary needs of the users, and make improvement to each module accordingly. ultimately the team present a product that is excellent in appearance, functionality and user experience.

the red dot design awards is internationally recognised for its innovation and creativity. winning the award means no doubt in ‘excellent quality’ of the product. meanwhile, winners gain exposure and recognition internationally, which makes winning the award a great honour for designers and teams.

dingfeng xiao, chief designer of the industrial design team at xaircraft, says winning the red dot title is an important milestone for both himself the the whole team. he is excited to know the result and look forward to achieving further with the team in the future.

for details of this award winning uas, please visit p30 plant protection uas page.
